Monday, October 15, 2012

Butter Chicken @ Murgh Makhani

Assalamualaikum wbt.....salam isnin buat semua...da lame rasenye tak bersiaran...maafkan patik yerk!...busy yg amat la minggu lepas smpi nk menjenguk blog sendiri pon xsempat...arini alhamdulillah curik2 tulang kejap nk masukkan n3...pendek aje laa tapinye...hehe arini ade projek mega...nk buat pulut kuning sempene balas dendam hihihih...arituh kan mase raye kt sini xdpt nk makan pulut sbb masih berpantang..skg ni merasa laa nk masak macam2 hihih...
ok laa butter chicken ni sbny menu femes kt dubai ni laa kan penduduk kt sini rmi jgk dtg dr pakistan, bangladesh india dan sewaktu kedai2 mamak mmg kompem laa berselerak aje...cume kene tau kedai mane yg sedap....yg slu kite makan kt sini karachi darbar...mmg seyes femes gilerr aaa...antara menu feveret kt sane chicken tikka, chicken tikka masala dan butter chicken nih..hihi kecur plak air liur kite bile sebut menu2....bile dah selalu makan...ermmm somi plak ckp...xkn nk makan air tangan org pakistan aje..cube try resepi die kot senang je nk buat......hehehe si bini menggaru laa kepala..betul jgk ehhhh....cepat2 google..terus jumpe butter chicken utk kali ni saba buat kuah die cair sikit...tak seperti dlm resepi tuh agak kering since saba makan butter chicken ni dgn rasenye masih same...meleleh jugak tauuu bile makan nih ihihih...ok laa jom kite semak resepi jom...resepi ni byk saba rs resepi dr rasamalaysia from sukaina ni paling senang...hehe selamat mencube yer..

** maafkan saba sbb xsempat nk translate dr bi - bm yer....harap kawan2 dpt memahami kekangan masa yg saba hadapi...ok peace!

Butter Chicken @ Murgh Makhani
Source: Sukaina ~ Rasamalaysia

500 grams boneless chicken, cut into 1-inch cubes ~ i used chicken with bone
juice of 1 lemon
salt and red chili powder, to taste
1 cup yogurt
2 tsp ginger
2 tsp garlic
1 1/2 tbs tandoori masala
3 tbs butter
2 cardamoms
1 cinnamon stick
2 cloves
4 medium ripe tomatoes, blended
1 tbs tomato paste
1 tsp garam masala
1 tbs honey
1 tbs dried fenugreek leaves
250 ml thick cream
extra butter or coriander to garnish

Marinate the chicken cubes in lemon juice, salt, chili powder, yogurt, ginger, garlic and tandoori powder for at least half an hour. Overnight is best. Preheat the oven to the highest grill setting. Place the chicken on a baking tray closest to the grill and grill for at least 10 minutes on each side or until cooked. Allow the chicken to cook until it JUST starts to char.
To prepare the gravy, heat and melt the butter. Add to it the the cardamoms, cinnamon sticks and cloves. Stir fry for a minute before adding the tomatoes and tomato paste, Let this simmer on low to medium heat, half covered, for about 15-20 minutes. You will notice the gravy thicken and the oil will form a film on top. If the gravy is too thick, you can add a small amount of water. Add the rest of the ingredients as well as the grilled chicken and simmer for another 15 minutes. Garnish with butter or coriander

1 comment:

  1. bilalahh akak nak rajin masak ni...
    dah copy smua resipi kat blog ni.tunggu pindah rumah baru baru nak rajin masak :)
