Monday, August 15, 2011

Ujikintoki @ Matcha Kakigori

Assalamualaikum wbt...kpd sape2 yg fanas.....dahaga....mood tgh rs nk marah kt org...ape kata mai sini perasa dgn matcha kakigoorii nih..hehe...sedaaappp..dgn cuace jepun yg tgh jap fanas jap arini ujan jgkk melayan kakigoori nih...
sedikit info..
"Japanese shaved ice is called kakigori. There are a variety of flavors, and a traditional kind is Uji-kintoki which is flavored with green tea syrup and anko (sweet azuki beans). Sweetened condensed milk is often poured."...
ok dah tak perlu saba terangkan bukan..musti dah faham yerrr anak2..hehehe..
ok meh layan resepi je la k...kang byk plak saba melalut nih...hehe resepi ni saba amik dr SINI
Ujikintoki @ Matcha Kakigori                                        


  • 1 tsp green tea powder
  • 2 tsp granulated sugar
  • 2 Tbsp sweetened condensed milk
  • 2 Tbsp anko
  • ice cubes or a block of ice


Dissolve green tea powder and granulated sugar in 2 Tbsp of hot water. Cool the syrup and put in a small serving bowl. Shave ice over the green tea syrup, using a home shaved ice machine. Top with anko. Pour sweetened condensed milk over the ice.
jenama matcha powder saba guna

anpanman yg menjadi pembantu..ape lgg putaqqqqq


  1. hahaha.. pengisar tak tahan anpanman lagi! kami guna yg murah2 je, bdk2 ni hari2 nak kakigori. beli perisa dah siap kaler2 gitu je. hehe.. eh tp mathca mmg feveret sangat! menarik ni saba. thanks ye!

  2. Asmara

    kak as...kui kui kui mule2 hajat di hati nk beli mcm menakutkan plak pengisar die tuh...anpanman pon jadik laa..bam bam mcm pipi tuan die jgk..

    ehh kak kalo dkt kyoto kan..kakigori paling femes matcha tau..mmg tah tertahan rasenyeee huhu siap dgn azuki aduhai.....kalo teringin sgt22 last2 p makan kt joyfull hehe

  3. saba.. sedap sama lal akak pun kat rumah ni asyi kaki gori tiap hari sampai malas nak putar.. hihi anpamman rumah akak biasa2 je kalau nmpak yang ni lagi buat main je nanti.. hhihihi

  4. adoi la...takleh tengok ais bulan2 posa ni, kena cari kakigori tu, jgn jumpa kakigorila sudah!

  5. zanafahmi

    ahahahah lawak habis...kang jumpe kakigorila kangg xpasai kene jahit mulut tuh nanti hehee
