Friday, August 12, 2011

Mango Panna Cotta

Assalamualikum wbt..Salam Ramadhan..ini menu dah basi tau...huhu...time bulan pose ni..lagi2 tgh peak summer...musti mencari menu penyejuk tekak kan...walaupon dah ippai taberu ne pon...musti nk cr penyejuk tekak...tuh ottosan kite la...bkn ape..jepon ni siang ke malam kee same je panasnye...rsnyee kalo duk sini kan..musti rs nk menangis...mcm FIL kite dtg arith...kering tekak sbb terlalu panas..huhu..maka kite pon terbuat laa mango panna cotta nih...waduhh sedap ampunkan patik..ade derhaka sikit yerr kak Gert.sbb saba lebih suke yg lembik2..hehe sonang masuk dlm tekak...sedut aje.....izin kopipes di sini plak yer..

Mango Panna Cotta
Source: Gert ~ My Kitchen Snippets

7 grm gelatin (1 packet) + 3 tbsp of water | saba pakai 4 gm
2 ½ cups full cream milk | saba pakai 150ml whipping cream + 400 ml full cream milk1/4 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla

1 ripe mango – cut into small cubes or puree
1. Mix the gelatin and water together and set it aside to bloom.
2. Put the milk and sugar in a saucepan, cook over low medium heat until bubbles form around the edges of the saucepan.
3. Remove from heat and add in the vanilla and stir in the gelatin. Stir until the gelatin dissolved.
4. Pour the mixture into six ramekins or cups. At this stage you can add in some cut mango and refrigerate until set or you can serve it with some mango puree.

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