Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Blueberry Crumble Pie

Assalamualaikum wbt...salam ramadhan semua....arini dah 17 ramadhan....ya allah mcm xcaye dah nk masuk 10 terakhir dah....maka makin busy laa saba dah dkt nk raye dan dah dekat nk balik nih...mcm2 lg xsettle..knp laa byk sgt penyakit M skg...penyakit R bile laa nk datang nih..huuhh..
ini permintaan ottosan 2 ari lepas...kt supa skg semua blueberry tgh murah..199yen aje 1 kotak...selalu 298yen..ape lg..rembat laaa 2 kotak kalo dah dtg penyakit tamak tuh kan..kite suke mcm blueberry mctuh aje sbb tau die bagus utk kurangkan kolestrol..hehehe....
ok layan resepi ni tau....kite amik dr..SINI..resepi omputih....nnti faham2 sendiri laa ehhhh resepi die tuh..simple aje saba rase...

Blueberry Crumble Pie
Source: Kellynbakes
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter
  • 1/4 cup ice water
  • 1 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup packed light brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup packed dark brown sugar
  • 3/4 cup (1 1/2) sticks unsalted butter cut into cubes
  • 6 cups blueberries about 3 pints
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 4 tbl cornstarch
  • 1/2 tsp lemon zest
  • pinch of pepper | saba xletak
  • extra flour and butter for the coating the pie dish
  1. Crust: For the crust in a food processor (or a bowl, to mix by hand, combine the flour, salt and butter in a large bowl. add the cold water and work by hand until the mixture comes together.) combine flour, salt, and cold butter- pulse until sand like texture. Add water while pulsing until mixture comes together. Remove from the bowl or food processor (be careful not to over mix) onto a lightly floured surface. Work into a 1 inch thick disk and refrigerate for at least one hour before rolling out.
  2. Crumble: Combine flour and sugars in a food processor (or bowl) mix until combined add chopped cold butter and mix (with a pastry cutter) or pulse until the mixture forms a crumble, being sure not to over mix. Refrigerate until ready to use.
  3. Filling: in a large bowl, combine all of the ingredients using the back of your spoon, crush about 20 percent of the blueberries so the jice mixes with the cornstarch and thickens the filling.
  4. To make the pie: preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Butter and flour a 10-inch pie tin; set aside. On a lightly floured surface, roll out the dough. Place in the pie dish, trip off excess and crimp edges (the crust will shrink in the oven once baked so don't cut off too much, I cut off enough to fold a little under to make larger crimps) Use a fork to poke holes around the sides and bottom of the crust, chill until firm, about 20 min. Cover with a piece of parchment paper and fill it with dried beans or baking beans. Bake until the crimped edges are firm, about 10 min. Remove the parchment paper and beans, and bake until the bottom is firm, about another 10 min. Fill the crust with the perry mixture, spreading evenly, and top with the crumble. Place on a parchment paper lined baking sheet, and bake until the filling starts to bubble, 1 hour to an hour and 20 min depending on your oven. Remove and cool on a wire rack.
ni ubat ottosan semalam..caye tak rege die  10,179 yen?? hahah gilee aa bnd ni je dah 3 ratus lebih...huhuhu


  1. saba..rindu hokey ngan saba..akk pun suka ngan blubberry crumble pie..suke sgt2la..dah nak balik ek?sedihla xdpt jumpa kat sini..xpe,nnt balik mesia,settle down katne?mana tahu bole jumpa bila kk balik nnt.

  2. Kamalia

    kak liaa rindu akak jugak..lame xbace komen2 akak kt sini hokeyy..hehhee

    aah mcm dah xsempat nk jmp..plan ke kantou xjadik..uhuhu settle down xtau lg kak..kene tgu balik KL br tau ke singapore kee kemungkinan masih merantauu huhuhu..nnti kite roger22 yerrr

  3. saba.. gambar semakin menawan..akak nak buat la crumble ni.. tergoda plak.. hihihihi.. setting prop dah ok hanya tip dari akak kalau saba nak gambar tu lagi cantik saba zoom ke 55mm tau pastu pakai auto ke manual ni.. better pakai manual tau gambar lagi lawa.. setting iso aperture je

  4. ubat sini mmg mahai but nyapa x guna insurans?
