Thursday, May 5, 2011


salam semua...arini demam dengan apam....sbb kite buat apam akak kite pon buat apam jugak..kite apam yogurt die apam dot dot....hahaha mmg terbaik laa semua 2 2 umah duk mengapam.....jgn muke kiteorg jd mcm apam sudeyy....kite kopipes resepi ni kak nor hehe izinkan mengopy duk tayang smlm arini semangat gile nk buat...very simple kite buat ni xsampai pon sejam....lani da leh duk rilek2..hehhe...apam ni sedap,gebu gebas dan bak kate kak nor mmg kite xcukup tangan nk buat thumbs up...ok layankan resepinyer yer....

souce : Rima
source: kak nor secubit garam
2 cups sugar | saba ikut kak nor buat  (1 1/3cawan)
1 tsp ovallete
2 cups flour
1 cup fresh yoghurt (thick)
2 eggs
1/2 tsp double acting baking powder
1tsp cocoa powder  | saba pon tambah ni jugak
1tsp chocolate paste | saba tak letak
1 sudu teh esen vanila | saba ikut kak nor tambah ni jgk
** sedikit pewarna merah & hijau | ni saba tambah

Beat all of them together until the batter becomes pale, thick, and the whisk leaves a vivid trail when stirring through the batter.
Spare some batter for the chocolate topping (about 5 Tbsp), mix it with cocoa powder and chocolate paste.
Drop the white batter into cups, then drop a teaspoon of chocolate batter on top of every cup. Steam for about 15 - 20mins

tameshite onegaishimashu...:)

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