Monday, May 16, 2011

Japanese Style Sweet Bun Dough (Gert)

Assalamualaikum roti yg lepas telah berjaya dgn jayanyeee...( eh betol ke ayat mcnih) arigatou gozaimasu kpd gert of my kitchen snippet & mamafami for the resepi..saba mmg puas hati gilee buat roti kali nih....ijinkan saba panjangkan resepi nih kt blog saba plak yer...eceli mmg feveret sbb kt japan mmg slu sgt mkn roti slu inti die kastard....ade 5 biji..lupe dah name roti tuh....saba kopipes bulat2 sbb nnti kalo saba translate ntah pape2 jadinye plak nnti....hehhee...

Japanese Style Sweet Bun Dough (Gert)
Source 1: Adapted from : Gert of My Kitchen Snippets
Source 2: Mamafami

Ingredients :

475g flour
35g milk powder
90g caster sugar
3/4 teaspoon salt
8g instant dry yeast
1 egg, lightly beaten
150ml (approx.) lukewarm water – adjust according
40g butter, cubed
4 tbsp Water Roux
1 egg + a bit of water (for egg wash the buns)

Method : (Bread Maker)
1. Pour water, water roux and salt into the bread maker pan. Add in egg. Top it with flour, milk powder, sugar and yeast.
2. Set the breadmaker to Dough function.
3. Once the dough is just combined, add in cubed butter and leave the Breadmaker to continue doing it's job. This process will take about 1 1/2 hour including prooving.
4. Divide the dough to 60g each. Shape into a ball.
5. Arrange the dough on a baking tray. Let it prove till double the size.
6. Egg wash the top sprinkle with coarse sugar. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 c for 25 minutes.

Water-Roux Paste/Tang Zhong:25g (just under 2 tbsp) bread flour
125ml (1/2 cup) water

Preparation for the Water-Roux

1. Mix the flour and water in a small saucepan. . Cook over low to medium heat, stirring continuously until it reaches 65ºC. It should have thickened to a paste at this stage, which is when you stir you can see the bottom of the pan. Remove from heat; place a cling film over the paste and leave until lukewarm, or room temperature, before using. (Alternatively if you don’t have a thermometer, cook as before until it starts to thicken, then continue to cook for about 1 more minute before removing from heat.)

Note: This water roux can be kept in an airtight container after cooling in the refrigerator for 1 day if not used immediately. However DO NOT USE if it turns grey in color, that means it has gone bad.

** semua ayat di atas adalah dicopy bulat2 dr blog rujukan....utk mengelakkan drpd sebarang kekeliruan jika ditranslate oleh saye.....halalkan resepi yer....sis.....

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