Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Homemade Matcha Ice cream

Assalamualaikum wbt...cuace panas2 mcnih sure rs nk basahkan tekak kan....nak2 kalo dpt ice feveret kite sejak duk nihon kite mmg dr kecik suke mkn ice cream....tuh smpi kene pakai braces tuh..(huhu eh ade kaitan ke??)....ermm kalo kite kuar jalan2 dgn ottosan..sure die belikan aiskrim...xkisah laa musti kite pilih matcha...die coklat...die mmg dah faham sgt2 kene la try buat sndri utk memuakan tekak mase kt kagawa arituh....leh kate byk kali buat...mase raye tahun lepas kite ade buat nih..smpi xcukup..hahaha....malu plak rase buat sikit sgt....resepi ni kite da godek kt japanesefood nye homepage...mudah dan kite derhaka sikit tmbh 1 sudu susu pekat nk rase ala2 haagen daz....ceh kunun kan ntah same ke x....kite kopipes jek resepi yer..malas nk yg dpt english dan bm taraf " bijak tahap dewa" nih...ishhh malu la nk translate..ade merapu ntah ke mane nnti....

Homemade Matcha ice cream
Matcha green tea flavored ice cream is a perfect dessert to serve after a Japanese-style meal.


  • 3/4 cup milk
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 5 Tbsp sugar
  • 3/4 cup heavy cream, whipped
  • 1 Tbsp matcha green tea powder
  • 3 Tbsp hot water


Mix hot water and green tea powder together in a bowl and set aside. Lightly whisk egg yolks in a pan. Add sugar in the pan and mix well. Gradually add milk in the pan and mix well. Put the pan on low heat and heat the mixture, stirring constantly. When the mixture is thickened, remove the pan from the heat. Soak the bottom of the pan in ice water and cool the mixture. Add green tea in the egg mixture and mix well, cooling in ice water. Add whipped heavy cream in the mixture and stir gently. Pour the mixture in an ice cream maker and freeze, following instructions of the ice cream maker. Or, pour the mixture in a container and freeze, stirring the ice cream a few times.
*Makes 4-6 servings

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